你想看到多關於台灣的本土英文新聞嗎? 請支持我們──「破土」

2016.11.10 | 11:25 AM    編譯 │ 破土 New Bloom    報導地點 │ 其他    瀏覽次數 │ 3,701 檢舉文章









我們希望在未來能夠執行更多類似的計畫,不只是紀錄台灣的歷史,也關心台灣社會當下的發展。舉例來說,2016總統大選時我們組織了“Project E”,提供了大選的特別報導,包括訪問來自時代力量、社會民主黨及自由台灣黨的第三勢力候選人、組織數場討論活動、和即時轉播罷選結果。


New Bloom is a bilingual online magazine covering activism and youth politics in Taiwan and the Asia Pacific, founded in Taiwan by a group of students and activists after the 2014 Sunflower Movement in Taiwan in wake of the Sunflower Movement. We seek to put local voices in touch with international discourse, beginning with Taiwan. As such, we write news reports, analysis, and commentary on news events in Taiwan from a politically left perspective, with translation between both English and Chinese.


New Bloom is a volunteer run publication, with no full time funding and no hired staff. The majority of New Bloom members are students or other recent entries into society, who write, edit, and translate articles for free or at their own cost. The bulk of expenses in running New Bloom to date have consisted of paying for the website, which New Bloom members have paid out of their own pockets.

Given the problems in Taiwan with media outlets that is affected by where the money is coming from, we do not accept money that comes with political and business conditions. If we do have donations, we would hope to first pay for costs related to our website, and then prioritize paying our translators. Namely, we value translation as one of the most important tasks we are able to do, given our unique place in the world as a transnational publication with a base in both Taiwan and America and has a focus on the Asia Pacific. Thus, we see a need for more translation for Taiwan. Yet translation is a time-consuming task which requires mastery of multiple languages and as of now is unpaid.


New Bloom is run on a democratic, collective basis between members. There is no set hierarchy in place for the publication, regarding any set leader or leaders, but we seek to run the publication through consensus, discussion, and voting between members who have demonstrated a commitment to the publication over a period of time. As such, we run the publication as a collective. We are always open to new members who share our ideals and would be interested in helping out.

Future Goals

In the future, we wish to expand the kind of activities we do. While we currently focus on writing news reports, analysis, and commentary on our website, we would like to expand to organize talks, lectures, reading groups, and other events in the future, also in both Chinese and English. We have held events in the past, but currently lack the resources to hold them regularly.

Likewise, given the lack of English language materials on Taiwanese history, we currently are working on a multimedia project to document an oral history of the dangwai movement, which will be in both Chinese and English. In particular, seeing as many of the former participants of the dangwai movement are quite elderly, we see it as crucial to document their experiences sooner than later. And while there are many materials available in Chinese regarding the history of the dangwai movement, there are much less materials available in English regarding this history. We see it as important for the international world to know about this aspect of Taiwanese history and for there to be a resource out there for those who may be interested in this history but lack the adequate Chinese language skills to read Chinese language sources.

We hope to be able to carry out more similar projects in the future, not only considering Taiwanese history, but regarding present developments in Taiwanese society. For example, during 2016 elections, we organized “Project E”, which provided special coverage of 2016 presidential including interviewing Third Force politicians including candidates of the New Power Party, Social Democratic Party, and Free Taiwan Party, hosting several events, and live streaming election results as they came in on election night itself.

If you would like to see more of what we do, please support us!



你想看到多關於台灣的本土英文新聞嗎? 請支持我們──「破土」


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